Distress Centre Calgary
For any degree of distress.
Distress Centre is a non-profit social agency that delivers 24-hour support, counselling and resource referral services to Calgary and the surrounding area. Our agency is built around the belief that anyone can experience crisis. It's not up to us to define what the crisis is - it's different for everyone. We don't judge. We're here to listen and connect you with the help you need.
Everyone has a right to help when they need it. To ensure support is accessible and available, we offer services 24 hours a day, free of charge. Our programs act as a gateway to professional help, peer support or a network of social agencies. Whatever the problem may be, a call to Distress Centre is often a first step towards a solution.
Distress Centre Calgary
1010 8th Ave SW #300
Calgary AB T2P 1J2
Tel: 403 266-1605
E-mail: info@distresscentre.ab.ca
Our Mission: To improve the quality of life in our community by providing crisis support, information and referral services without discrimination.
Our Values: Leadership through volunteerism, innovation and partnership.
