Fresh Start Recovery Centre
Since 1992
We offer a comprehensive approach to drug and alcohol abuse. Our program is open to both residential and outpatient treatment options. The program is tailored to males over the age of 18 years of age. We believe in utilizing the Twelve Step model and Family Systems approach.
Fresh Start Recovery is based on the belief that addiction is a disease. Because it is a disease, it can be treated. We do not view addiction as a mental disorder, nor do we see it as a matter of lack of morals, intellect, or willpower.
Our goal is to provide a safe and healing environment where individuals and families regardless of age, race, religion or economic background experiencing addiction can gain support and guidance and become equipped with the tools to sustain and maintain a lasting, comfortable recovery, helping restore them to a mental, spiritual, physical and emotional state of well-being so they can recover from their addiction.
Fresh Start Recovery Centre
808 Abbeydale Dr NE
Calgary AB T2A 5X9
Tel: 403 387-6266
Our Mission:
Fresh Start is Recovering Lives by Housing, Treating and Supporting People with Addictions.
Our Vision:
Every Individual - Recovery for Life.
