Sunrise Native Addictions Services Society
"It's about giving back to others what others have given to me. This is my way of helping people in need" - Elizabeth, Residential Supervisor.
People who suffer from addiction rarely have the financial resources to get help and recover from their devastating illness.
Although we gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance we receive from AHS - Addictions & Mental Health, the United Way of Calgary and Area, and a small handful of local community grants, we have a growing waiting list of individuals who desperately need our help but cannot afford our services.
Sunrise Native Addictions Services Society
1231 34th Ave NE
Calgary AB T2E 6N4
Tel: 403 261-7921
- Residential Treatment
- Outpatient
- Living Through Recovery Treatment
- CROW Group for Men
- E.A.G.L.E. Circle Group for Women
- Family Counselling Program