Mackenzie Recovery Counseling Center
Mackenzie Recovery Counseling Center Inc. provides counseling and treatment services to clientele with addiction issues, trauma, depression, etc. We believe that addiction is a disease.
Mackenzie Recovery Counseling Center
1711 4th St SW #211
Calgary AB T2S 1V8
Tel: 403 541-9225
Fax: 403 541-9223
Counseling for Individuals, Couples, Families/Groups
and Specialized in Chemical Dependency & Co-Dependency
Healing from Trauma
Outpatient Intensive Treatment and Continuing Care Programs
Consulting/Speaking Engagements
The Mackenzie Recovery Counseling Center Inc.'s philosophy is to provide the finest available Addiction Rehabilitation Services through state of the art, evidence-based holistic treatment that is accessible, affordable and client focused. Here we accept addiction as a disease that manifests itself along biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions, affecting all areas of one's life. We support the following definition: "Addiction is a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors....It is characterised by behaviors that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm and craving." (Erickson, 2007, p.5; Savage, Joranson & Covington, 2003, p.662).
We offer a full range of outpatient treatment programs that address the many needs of our clients and their families. At Mackenzie Recovery Counseling Center Inc. we combine the best in the medical model of addictions treatment with the evidence based psychological treatment methodologies. Our clinical team is compassionate, carefully selected, professionally trained, with over ten years of experience. We know that addictions are fully treatable and that respect for the individual client is paramount in this process.
Our clinicians are specialized in an extensive range of areas in counseling psychology and are able to treat patients from a variety of backgrounds. Most of all, our clinicians treat each individual with the utmost respect and positive regard, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
