Serenity Ranch
Private Residential Addiction & Alcoholism Treatment Centre Alberta
Addiction Recovery Centre alcohol & drugs, Tees, Alberta, safe, structured, 3-week & 6-week residential 12 step rehab treatment programs -men & women
Serenity Ranch
Township Rd 410
Tees AB T0C 2N0
Tel: 403 784-3993
We offer safe, structured, six-week residential treatment programs of discovery and recovery for men and women who suffer from addiction to alcohol and/or drugs. Our multi-faceted plan is designed to create new understanding and tools for recovery. These include intensive counseling, AA and NA meetings, and relapse prevention.
We have single rooms, no waiting list, and can pick you up from most locations in central Alberta (or meet you at the airport in Edmonton or Calgary if you are from out of Province).
Serenity Ranch promotes health and diet, physical exercise, the value of new friends, mentors, the addition of real joy and laughter for healing.
This is a time for people to reclaim their freedom and prepare for change. We see miracles EVERYDAY! Be part of a Miracle!
Our Beliefs
Alberta Rehab Arrow Alcoholism and drug addiction are chronic, progressive and often-fatal diseases. They have psychosocial, environmental and genetic factors. Addiction is predictable from its very early stages, to the late or final stages, which may include an untimely death.
Alberta Rehab Arrow This disease affects everyone close to the addict or alcoholic. We therefore believe if the family receives help as well, the prognosis for everyone can be greatly improved.
Alberta Rehab Arrow We believe that 12 Step Programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) work best for most people in their individual recovery. They are not religious programs, but spiritual in a very personal and profound sense
Alberta Rehab ArrowWith a commitment to sobriety comes the opportunity to become totally honest. With absolute accountability with the past, suffering people will get well.
